Thursday, June 14, 2012

An Introduction!


Hi There!

Welcome to this blog about music therapy for the elderly.

This blog is part of a third year occupational therapy student conference, School of Occupational Therapy, Dunedin, New Zealand. This blog will explore the use of music as a therapy tool for the aging population and benefits will be discussed such as improving socialization, motivation, learning, exercise and so much more!. This will be discussed in three major areas of elderly care: dementia care, palliative care & mental health.
Music can be seen as an occupation, be it leisure or productivity, so this means that music must come under the domain of concern of an Occupational Therapist right?. Music is a meaningful occupation for thousands of people so can music be used as a form of intervention? or is the use of music as an intervention only allowed by registered Music Therapists?. 

Below is a description of music therapy from the Music Therapy New Zealand website:

"Music therapy is the planned use of music to assist the healing and personal growth of people with identified emotional, intellectual, physical or social needs."
"Music therapists use the special qualities of music in a shared relationship with their clients, to meet personal needs, support learning, and promote healing and change. They work with people of all ages and abilities, with individuals and groups, and in many different settings."
Music therapy is effective in:
·         developing communication
·         extending language and intellectual development
·         supporting people in times of loss, grief, and pain
·         reducing stress and tension
·         motivating rehabilitation
·         extending movement and physical co-ordination
·         enhancing cultural and spiritual identity
·         giving emotional support through times of change or crisis
·         assisting memory, imagination, and processing thought


 Break. (2011). Playing guitar hero. Retrieved from

Music Therapy New Zealand. (2011). About us. Retrieved from

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