Music therapy is a form of sensory stimulation for clients with mental health impairments which uses musical interaction as a means of communication and expression. Music therapy can be a form of treatment for persons who have psychosocial, affective, cognitive and communicative needs.
Research shows that music therapy can be effective even in those clients who find other treatment approaches non effective.
The aim of therapy is to help individuals develop relationships and address issues they may not be able to address using words alone. Music therapy sessions include the use of music making, music listening, and discussion.
According to the American Music Therapy Association (2011) music as an intervention provides opportunities to:
- Make positive changes in mood and emotional states
- Have a sense of control over life through successful experiences
- Enhance awareness of self and environment
- Express oneself both verbally and non-verbally
- Develop coping and relaxation skills
- Support healthy feelings and thoughts
- Improve reality testing and problem solving skills
- Interact socially with others
- Develop independence and decision making skills
- Improve concentration and attention span
- Adopt positive forms of behaviour
- Resolve conflicts leading to stronger family and peer relationships
- Explore personal feelings and therapeutic issues such as self-esteem or personal insight
Personal Experiences
At the start of the year I had a placement on an in-patient mental health ward. A client, who we'll call John, experiences Paranoid Schizophrenia and was having problems with getting out of bed, engaging in occupation, blunted affect and avolition. I saw he had a guitar and suggested we have a jam, as I also play. After a couple of relaxed jams sessions John was back into a daily routine, was engaging in activties on the ward and he appeared to have a more elevated affect. The M.D.T couldn't believe the change in John and were keen to hire someone to take my place once my placement finished to keep playing with John.
American Music Therapy Association. (2011). Music Therapy and Mental Health. Retrieved from
Music Radar. (2012).10 killer audition tips. Retrieved from
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